The average house price on HILL TOP is £400,927
The most expensive house in the street is TUDOR LODGE HILL TOP with an estimated value of £525,297
The cheapest house in the street is EVERGREEN HILL TOP with an estimated value of £335,726
The house which was most recently sold was 58A HILL TOP, this sold on 30 Jul 2021 for £310,000
The postcode for HILL TOP is TF1 5ET
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
58A HILL TOP Detached £358,909 £310,000 30 Jul 2021
EVERGREEN HILL TOP Detached £335,726 £89,600 28 Jul 2000
HILL TOP HOUSE HILL TOP Detached £356,964 £80,000 21 May 1999
THE HEDGEROWS HILL TOP Detached £427,742 £230,000 29 Jun 2005
TUDOR LODGE HILL TOP Detached £525,297 £315,000 21 Dec 2006